
What is a citadel on a ship
What is a citadel on a ship

Shells that hit water create a splash animation and disappear don't they? The game just deletes them when they hit water. Is this true? From what I understand about the game mechanics is you can't fire below the water line.

what is a citadel on a ship what is a citadel on a ship

Someone in chat said I have to aim below the water line. It hit the spot I aimed for and penetrated. I saw my AP rounds hit, got the pop-up that said I penetrated, and saw little craters on the armor belt below the smokestack on the enemy ship. I was hitting the armor belt just above the water line. I wasn't hitting the superstructure up on top of the deck. (the tower belching the black smoke, not the comm tower)

what is a citadel on a ship

I was firing AP and aiming below the smoke stack. It stupidly exposed its sides to me so I was able to fire close range 90 degree salvos into its sides. I played my Queen Elizabeth today and got into a brawl with another BB.

What is a citadel on a ship